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Core Facility Day Social Sciences & Humanities
Core Facility Day Social Sciences & Humanities
Did you know that Masaryk University offers a diverse range of core facilities in the social sciences & humanities, accessible across all the faculties? Are you curious about how you can use them for your own research?
Now, you have the opportunity to explore this firsthand at our first-ever Core Facility Day Social Sciences & Humanities (CF Day SSH), taking place on 10th April, from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Apart from providing valuable insights into the university’s SSH-focused research infrastructures, you will also have the chance to network during the coffee break!
The event is jointly organized by the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Social Studies, the Faculty of Economics, the Institute of Computer Science, the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Law, and CEITEC.
8:15–8:45 Site visit to HUME Lab, Faculty of Arts
8:45–9:00 Registration
9:00–9:10 Introduction
Šárka Pospíšilová, Vice-rector for research and doctoral studies
Ondřej Hradil, coordinator of Research infrastructures
9:10–11:10 Core Facility Presentations – Session 1
MUEEL – Masaryk University Experimental Economics Laboratory, Faculty of Economics, Miloš Fišar (9:10–9:40)
· PhD candidate 1: The name and the presentation title will be added later
· PhD candidate 2: The name and the presentation title will be added later
HUME Lab – Experimental Humanities Laboratory, Faculty of Arts, Eva Kundtová Klocová (9:40–10:10)
· PhD candidate 1: The name and the presentation title will be added later
· PhD candidate 2: The name and the presentation title will be added later
Generations and Gender Programme, Faculty of Social Studies, Dominika Perdoch Sladká (10:10–10:40)
· Darina Kmentová: Analyzing Reproductive Behavior Using GGS Data: Options and Insights
· Daniel Dvořák: Survey Data Beyond Responses: Leveraging GGP Paradata for Deeper Insights
MAFIL – Multimodal and Functional Imaging Laboratory, CEITEC, Michal Mikl (10:40–11:10)
· Lenka Jurkovičová (CEITEC MU): Project Memory and Consciousness
· Tadeáš Dvořák (RECETOX): Project URBAN DISCOMFORT: The influence of low-level image statistics of natural and urban scenes on neurophysiological biomarkers of stress
11:10–11:30 Coffee Break
11:30–13:00 Core Facility Presentations – Session 2
Digitalia MUNI ARTS, Faculty of Arts, Michal Lorenz (10:30–12:00)
· PhD candidate 1: The name and the presentation title will be added later
· PhD candidate 2: The name and the presentation title will be added later
Sensitive Cloud for Social Sciences and Humanities - Work with your sensitive data in Trusted Research Environment for academic purposes, Michal Růžička, Institute of Computer Science (12:00-12:15)
MUNI Data Stewardship Wizard (DSW), Antonín Zita, Institute of Computer Science (12:15-12:30)
FAIR Implementation Profile, Ilona Trtíková, CESNET/Institute of Sociology CAS (12:30-12:45)
SONA systems – software to help you recruit and manage pool of volunteers for your research, Miloš Delín, Institute of Computer Science (12:45-13:00) 13:00 Event end
13:00–14:00 Site visit to HUME Lab, Faculty of Arts